PAD003 What to call "it"?

Logo by Teija Hakala (c)

In the third episode of Pad Leaks (recorded over a year ago), Tiina Vaittinen discuss with Dr Christopher Chatterton. Chris is our colleague in the Pad Project, but also a coauthor in the International Continence Society (ICS) report on the terminology for “single‐use body worn absorbent incontinence products” that was published in Neurourology and Urodynamics in 2020. In this episode, we discuss with Chris, what this report was about, and what the term “single-use body worn absorbent incontinence products” refers to. We also discuss the power of stigma in talking about continence products, and how the stigma operates differently in different contexts – and different languages.

The episode was edited by Timo Uotinen.

Will we ever see incontinence products made from 100% renewable materials?

Incontinence pads are also about forest industry

Forest industry may not be the first thing to associate with something as intimately embodied as incontinence care.

Producing the fluff to the pads’ absorbent layers, it is, however, a key industry in the production of the pads.

While solving the question of  sustainable land usage remains key for the sustainability of forest industry, it may also provide solutions for a more sustainable future for adult incontinence care.

Along with a range of experts from other fields, our project’s PI, Tiina Vaittinen, was interviewed for this podcast, produced by Stora Enso, which asks:

Will we ever see incontinence products made from 100% renewable materials?



PAD001 Mistä niitä vaippoja saa?

Where will I get incontinence products, if I become incontinent? In this second episode of the Finnish medium podcast on incontinence, we discuss how “hoitotarvikejakelu”, i.e. the public health service responsible for pad distribution in Finland. We also reveal magical tips on how to develop the system, so that improving the service and wellbeing of the clients decreases the costs of the service… The guest in this episode is Tuulia Lahtinen, Registered Nurse and Public Health Nurse.

Image: Teija Hakala (c)

Music – cobwebbed; clear vision; vision of the future. Sound effects – Girl Pees in the Toilet by Mike Koenig; Flushing the Toilet. Graphic design: Teija Hakala.

Listen at Apple podcasts or Spotify.

PAD002 As society we don't talk about poo

Logo by Teija Hakala (c)

There are ways to restructure societies, so that people living with faecal incontinence can live good lifes with the condition – but where to start? Interview with Dr Lesley Dibley, Reader in Nursing Research and Education at the University of Greenwich, UK.

Music: (Cobwebbed, A Fresh Start, Vision of the Future). Effects: (Girl Pees in Toilet by Mike Koenig, Flushing the Toilet). Graphics: Teija Hakala.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcast

PAD001 Why do we need a podcast on incontinence?

Logo by Teija Hakala (c)

Incontinence is a common health condition, but why don’t we know anything about it? In this first episode of the Pad Leaks podcast, researcher Tiina Vaittinen introduces the show and leaks the reasons for making it.

Music: (Cobwebbed; Clear Vision); Youtube Audio Library (Potato Deal). Sound effects: (Girl Pees in Toilet by Mike Koenig; Water Drops by Daniel Simon; Flushing the Toilet). Graphics: Teija Hakala.

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

PAD001 Inkontinenssin ihmeellinen maailma

Podcast logo by Teija Hakala (c)

The first episode of Finland’s first incontinence related podcast. The English version of the padcast (with tailored contents for international audiences) coming soon. By Tiina Vaittinen

Musiikit – cobwebbed; clear vision; vision of the future. Ääniefektit – Girl Pees in the Toilet by Mike Koenig; Flushing the Toilet; Water Drops by Daniel Simon. Jakson kuva: IStock. Podcastin logon grafiikka: Teija Hakala.

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