

*the list includes articles based on the project research as well as relevant articles where our team members have contributed while working in the project

Click the doi link to access the articles – and if it doesn’t work, please contact us, and we’ll send you a copy.

  • Vaittinen, T., Koljonen, K., Tella, S., Asikainen, E. & Laatikainen, K. (2023). “Holistically sustainable continence care: A working definition, the case of single-used absorbent hygiene products (AHPs) and the need for ecosystems thinking”, Proc IMeche Part H: Journal for Engineering in Medicine. DOI:
  • Rajala, AI (2022). “‘Onnellisin ja kuivin kansa!’: Suuntaviivoja synnyttäneiden inkontinenssin hoitopolulle” [‘The happiest and driest nation!’ Guidelines for postpartum incontinence care pathway], Fysioterapia 5/2022,
  • Annastiina Rajala-Vaittinen (2022). ”Synnytinelinten poliittinen talous: Biologisen uusintamisen kustannuksista poliittisen talouden vaginaalisilla rajapinnoilla” [The political economy of reproductive organs: the costs of biological reproduction at the vaginal frontiers of the political economy], Poliittinen Talous 10(2022), doi:
  • Vaittinen, T., Asikainen, E., Rajala, A.I., Lahtinen, T., Törnävä, M. (2021). “Ekohyvinvointivaltion katveessa: Aikuisvaippojen puheenparret suomalaisessa hyvinvointivaltiossa” ” [“Shadowing the shadows of the ecowelfare state: Listening to the adult incontinence pads’ parlance in the Finnish welfare state”], Alue & Ympäristö, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 117–135.
  • Suskind, A. M., Vaittinen T, Gibson W., Hajebrahimi S., Ostaszkiewicz J., Davis, N., Dickinson T., Spencer M., Wagg, A. (2021). “International Continence Society white paper on ethical considerations in older adults with urinary incontinence”, Neurourology and Urodynamics, Vol. 41, pp. 14–30.
  • Fader, M, Cottenden A, Chatterton C, Engqvist H, Eustice S, Newman DK,
    Ostaszkiewicz J, Palmer MH, Wilson T & Haylen B (2020): “An International Continence Society (ICS) report on the terminology for single-use body worn absorbent incontinence products”, Neurology and Urodynamics, 39(8):2031-2039. 10.1002/nau.24488


  • Rajala-Vaittinen, Annastiina (2022). “Utopias from the Genital Limits: What if pelvic floor health was taken seriously?”, Health Punk Vol. 2, Open Physio Journal.
  • Rajala, Anna Ilona, Minna Törnävä, Tiina Vaittinen, Tuulia Lahtinen, Eveliina Asikainen (2021). ”Synnytyksenjälkeinen inkontinenssi: miten psykofyysinen fysioterapia voi auttaa?” [Postpartum incontinence: How psycho-physical physiotherapy can help?] Suomen Psykofyysisen Fysioterapian Yhdistyksen jäsenlehti (3/2021).
  • Vaittinen Tiina & Lahtinen Tuulia (2020). “Vaippahanke tutkii ja kehittää kontinenssihoidon kestävää tulevaisuutta” [The Pad Project researches and develops a sustainable future for continence care], Uutis-Urhot kevät/2021 [Journal of the Finnish urological nurses association]
  • Vaittinen, Tiina and Eveliina Asikainen (2020). “Aikuisvaippojen globaali poliittinen talous ja hoivan kestävä
    tulevaisuus” [The global political economy of adult incontinenca pads and sustainable future of care] Alusta! 20.2.2020.


  • Lahtinen, Tuulia (in progress, personal funding). Raskauden ja synnytyksen aiheuttaman inkontinenssin ennaltaehkäisy ja hoito neuvolatyössä. Monimenetelmätutkimus toimivan hoitopolun haasteista ja niiden ratkaisuista [Prevention and treatment of postpartum incontinence in Finnish maternal health clinics. A mixed methods study on the challenges in the care pathways and their solutions]. PhD Thesis, Public Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University.
  • Talvinen, S (in progress). Men’s incontinence as a stigmatised and silenced question in global health: What can we learn from Finnish men’s experiences of life with incontinence pads? Masters Thesis, Global Public Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University.
  • Junnila, P & Koskimaa R (in progress). Raskaana olevien ja synnyttäneiden virtsainkontinenssin ohjatun omahoitomallin kehittäminen neuvolassa [Development of a guided self-care model for the prevention and treatment of postpartum incontinence in maternal health care clinics]. Masters in Service Design for Social and Health Care, LAB University of Applied Sciences.
  • Himanen, K (2024). Female Genital Mutilation (FGM/C) Related Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) and Humanitarian Health Work : A Qualitative Study on Expert Views. Masters Thesis, Global Public Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University. [
  • Sirén, Elina L. (2023). Humanitarian health work and the silences around Incontinence among sexual violence survivors. Masters Thesis, Global Public Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University. []
  • Lahtinen, T (2022). Aikuisten inkontinenssisuojien hoitotarvikejakelun käytännöt Suomessa [The practices of public service provision of adult incontinence pads in Finland]. Masters Thesis, Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University.
  • Lahtinen, T (2020). Ulosteinkontinenssin konservatiiviset ja mini-invasiiviset hoitomenetelmät [The conservative and mini-invasive treatment of faecal incontinence] Dissertation for Bachelor of Health Sciences (Nursing), Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University.